Designing Print Pages

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Introduction 1

Generating a PDF at runtime 1

Designing Print Pages 2

Print Design View 2

Page Size and Orientation 2

Layout Considerations 2

Dynamic Expansion, Display Only Fields and REPORT mode 3

Headers and Footers 4

Margins, Padding and Borders 4

Adding Page Breaks 4

Page Control Printing Properties 5

Page Numbering 5

Styling 5

Missing Images and Styles – further configuration 6

Add local loopback address 7

Edit the operating system hosts file 7


For information on legacy Print Forms, click here.


Introduction employs a simple page design concept: any page created in the Form Designer can be output either to a web browser or to a PDF or to both of these. This means that the same page designer is used to create both web and print pages. There is no explicit declaration that a particular page is a print page; instead any page can be output as a PDF by:



see below.


This document describes how to use the Form Designer to create pages that can be rendered as a PDF document. The PDF document can then be printed and/or saved as required.


Main features:



Generating a PDF at runtime

A PDF is generated at runtime as shown below.


API language (e.g. Javascript)

Call one of the form.generatePdf() methods. This Javascript example generates a PDF from two pages and both displays and saves it:


var opts = new PdfOptions();

opts.display = true; = true;

opts.filePath = "C:/temp/pdf123.pdf";

opts.pages = [pages.PAGE_2, pages.PAGE_4];

var fileName = form.generatePdf(opts);


or to just display the current page as a PDF:





outputpage [as pdf] [save [<file location>] ] [nodisplay] [popup [<target window>] | inline] [report] [all | page name list..]

By default this will display the PDF document to the user but includes options to suppress the display and save the PDF as a file. Click here for further details of this command.

Designing Print Pages

Print Design View

Print pages are designed in exactly the same way as web pages using the Forms Designer. Each PDF page can be configured using properties on the Page Control. Clicking the Print Design View toggle button  on the WYSIWYG View toolbar shows the effects of changing most (but not all – header and footer properties are not shown) of these properties; clicking this toggle button again returns to the normal Web View.

Page Size and Orientation

Page size and orientation are specified in the properties for the Page Control on each page, see below. When in Print Design view, the page boundaries are shown with grey dotted lines, and the content is adjusted to fit within the width of the page.

Layout Considerations

Print pages are created using the same page designer that is used for web pages, and therefore all the same facilities are available to achieve the layout you require. These are outlined briefly below, follow the links for more detailed descriptions. 


Grid Control: use this to organize a document into sections and to achieve left and top alignment of sections and content within sections.  See Grid Control.

Container layouts: each container control has a layout which specifies how its children are laid out. The Field Grid layout can be particularly useful with print pages to achieve a tidy display of fields entered by the user. Examples of Field Grid Layout are shown in the illustrations in the next section. See layouts for more information.

Formatting Style: CSS can be added to all controls in the same way as for web pages. This could be used to create a fixed layout if required.  See also styling below.


Dynamic Expansion, Display Only Fields and REPORT mode

Print pages are rendered in the same way as web pages. In general terms, a page will expand dynamically to accommodate its contents, but there are factors that will constrain this behaviour which are described below.


Input fields and text areas: when marked as display only, the page will expand dynamically to include all data. In contrast, editable (not display only) input fields and text areas will be displayed in boxes that have a fixed width and height and will not expand dynamically. The width of a field is controlled by the display length property and the height (text areas only) is controlled by the number of rows property of field. This is the same as for the display of a web page. This discussion applies also to table columns.


Tables: will always dynamically expand to accommodate all rows. Tables can be displayed on a page either as a Table Control or a Repeater Control.

A Table Control has two properties in the PDF section provide options when a table overflows onto a new page:




Show column headers on each page

Column headers will be re-displayed at the top of each overflow page

Page break only on new row

This ensures that the content of a table row will not be split across two pages


A Repeater Control supports just one property in the PDF section:




Page break only on new row

This ensures that the content of each repeating row will not be split across two pages i.e. if the content of any given repeating row does not fit on the current page, a page break is inserted before writing the row.


Lists: when displayed as radio buttons or checkboxes, lists will dynamically expand. When displayed as a dropdown, only the current value will be displayed.



REPORT option

When the REPORT option of the OUTPUTPAGE statement is selected, all fields and table columns will be displayed as if they were display only, and therefore all content will expand dynamically.


The example below shows the same PDF generated with and without the REPORT option. With the REPORT option, all fields are shown as display only. Note also the Comments box: when display only, all data is shown and the page dynamically expands downwards to accommodate this, but when the field is editable, the number of rows displayed is truncated.


With REPORT option:

Without REPORT option:

Note that the boxes around fields shown in the right-hand example above could also be added to the left-hand example by applying a border.


Headers and Footers

To configure a header:


  1. Set a top margin by clicking the PDF style property under the PDF Page tab of Page Control, then select Padding & Margin.
  2. Configure a header text by clicking the Header text property of Page Control (see below) and entering the text. If you need to create a header containing anything more than a simple text, you can enter HTML into this text.
  3. Configure the header style by clicking the Header style property of Page Control (see below). This can be used to apply fonts, font sizes, colors, alignment etc to the text.


To configure a footer, configure the corresponding footer properties.


Note that header and footer texts are not shown in the designer environment when in Print Design view.


See also Page Numbering.


Margins, Padding and Borders

You can change these properties by clicking the PDF style property of Page Control (see below). You can also use CSS3 to achieve greater control over margins and borders.

Adding Page Breaks

To add a page break, drag a Page Break Control from the Printing section of the Palette. Note that Page Breaks are only visible in the WYSIWYG View when in Print Design view. As a page break is a control, it can be hidden or shown dynamically in the same way as for all controls.


Page Control Printing Properties

A number of print page properties are configured via the properties for each Page Control – each page has a Page Control and this is the root control on each page.


PDF Page


Page Size

Select the required page size from the dropdown. When in Print Design view, the page boundaries are shown with grey dotted lines. When no page size is specified, A4 will be used in the designer environment, but at runtime no page size will be implemented.


Portrait or Landscape. When in Print Design view, the page boundaries are shown with grey dotted lines

PDF Style

Applies style to the entire PDF document using a styling assistant dialog that allows specification of background, borders, padding and margins.


Specifies the background for the entire PDF Document. See background properties.


Specifies the border for the PDF Document. See border properties.

  Padding & Margin

Specifies the padding and margins for the whole PDF Document. See padding and margin properties. Padding is space inside the border, margin is space outside the border.

  Advanced Properties:


    PDF Margin

CSS inline style for the margin.  This will apply to each generated pdf page (by using the @page css at-rule)

    PDF border

CSS inline style for the border. This will apply to each generated pdf page (by using the @page css at-rule)


PDF Header


Header text

Set the header text. Note that this text can contain HTML. See Headers and Footers.

Header style

Set the CSS style for the header. See Headers and Footers.


PDF Footer


Footer text

Set the footer text. Note that this text can contain HTML. See Headers and Footers.

Footer style

Set the CSS style for the footer. See Headers and Footers.


Page Numbering


To display the current page number, include the following HTML in a text:


<span id="ebPDFPageNumber"></span>


To display the total number of pages, include the following HTML in a text:


<span id="ebPDFPageCount"></span>


For example, the following footer text:


Page <span id="ebPDFPageNumber"></span> of <span id="ebPDFPageCount"></span>


is displayed as “Page 1 of 2”, “Page 2 of 2” etc.



Controls can be styled in exactly the same way as for web pages, by using the supplied styling assistants with the Page Control. Specific style to be used only when a page is printed can also be implemented by specifying a media type of print for a style sheet. See Page Properties and Working with Presentation Templates.


The CSS3 Paged Media Module introduces new facilities for controlling printing. Although this version of the W3C CSS specification is still in draft, the Paged Media section is fairly stable and is fully supported by Ebase print pages. This offers facilities to provide more control over margins and page breaks plus a number of useful features. Click here for full details.


Missing Images and Styles – further configuration


In some cases PDF images and stylesheets configured with relative URLs in the designer cannot be resolved by Ebase’s PDF generation engine at runtime. If this is the case then PDFs will lack these images and styles and additional configuration will be required to generate the PDF document properly.


In a commercial environment, the Ebase server is typically configured to run behind a firewall and/or a webserver. The user request is forwarded via the firewall/webserver to the Ebase server, which will usually be running on either a separate machine and/or using a different port number. To generate the PDF correctly the Ebase server uses the request URL to complete the relative one. If the Ebase machine cannot then connect to this URL successfully the PDF will lack those resources. See the example below:


Example Configuration:


The PDF page contains an image control configured using a relative URL of:




The request to print the PDF document comes into the Ebase server via the firewall or IIS using the URL:


To resolve the relative image above the following URL is created:


The Ebase server needs to resolve the whole URL of even though the original image is based locally on the Ebase server. The Ebase server needs to send the request for the image back to the firewall/IIS server so that this can route the request back to the correct location. In some commercial configurations the Ebase server cannot resolve the domain name because it does not have DNS (Domain Name System) configured.


There are two possible ways to fix this. Either one of these solutions can be used to resolve this issue:


  1. Add local loop back address (recommended solution)
  2. Edit the operating system hosts file



Add local loopback address


Add a local loopback address that is used instead of the request domain name. This should typically be configured as localhost or IP address and port number of the Ebase server (the default is 3030). This is configured via the Server Administration Application using server property Local Base URL.






ebase-server-name : name of the Ebase server (This should normally be set to localhost or

ebase-port-number : the listening port number of the Ebase server (The default is 3030)

ebase-webapp-name : the name of the web application that Ebase is running within (The default is ufs)


For example, the typical configuration would be:





Edit the operating system hosts file


Configure the hosts file of your operating system to resolve the domain name.


Locate the hosts file e.g for windows, this is located in - c:/windows/system32/drivers/etc/


Add the line:


<ipaddress-firewall-or-iis>         <request-domain-name>




ipaddress-firewall-or-iis : the IP Address of the firewall. E.g

request-domain-name :the name of the address used to call the Ebase forms. e.g


Save the file and close.